Saturday, September 23, 2017

Artemis Special Child Centre

The team of doctors at Artemis Hospital Special Child Centre works towards achieving the maximum potential in children with special needs. The centre is known for its Neurodevelopment Therapy (NDT) and Sensory integration/processing therapy. The neurodevelopment therapy works on the age appropriate activities the child cannot perform, such as walking with a bag, writing with a pencil or daily activities like brushing, bathing or dressing up. On the other hand, the sensory integration/processing therapy is aimed at helping children ‘make sense’ of the world around them. The therapy encourages the child to develop flexibility, functional vision, sensory processing, postural control and alignment, speech and language, attention span and social interaction among other things.

Special Child Centre at Artemis Hospital Gurgaon offers services like sensory diet (a carefully planned program of sensory motor activities to improve attention, eye contact and focus of the child), handwriting training (use of adjuncts like grippers to help the child write), auditory integration (to help the child filter important information) and nutrition OPD (diet plans designed specifically to promote the physical and mental growth of the child).
Child care specialists at Artemis Hospital Special Child Centre are skilled at early detection and early intervention. They are the most dependable team if a child is showing delay in milestones, faces difficulty in eating, walking, speaking or performing age-appropriate activities, or has issues with vision and find it hard to copy from the blackboard. The centre could also be contacted if a child is suffering from conditions like AUTISM, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, Cerebral Palsy, Learning disorders, Torticollis and neurogenic problems like Polio.
Every child is gifted. They just unwrap their packages in different ways and at different times. Differently-abled children are special. Child care experts at Artemis Hospital strive to give them the special treatment that they deserve.


Friday, September 22, 2017

Breast Cancer - Signs That Help You Spot It!

Dr Nidhi Garg, Oncologist at Artemis Hospital talks about Breast cancer,  is an abnormal growth of cells in the tissues of the breast. Mainly it occurs in females but less than 1% of all the breast cancer cases develop in males. Commonly breast cancers start in the milk ducts. A small number start in the milk sacs or lobules. It can spread to the lymph nodes and to the other parts of the body such as bones, liver, lungs and to the brain.

With more reliable early detection methods along with the trend towards less invasive surgery, there is hope that even more women with breast cancer will be treated successfully and will go on to resume their normal lives.

Signs & Symptoms of Breast Cancer ---

·         It is painless, especially, during the early stage. Watch out for the following changes in the breast:

·         A persistent lump or thickening in the breast or in the axilla. 

·         A change in the size or shape of the breast. 

·         A change in the colour or appearance of the skin of the breast such as redness, puckering or dimpling. 

·         Bloody discharge from the nipple. 

·         A change in the nipple or areola such as scaliness, persistent rash or nipple retraction (nipple pulled into the breast).

·         Consult a doctor immediately if you notice any of these changes.

Risk Factors ---

·         Being a woman puts you at risk of getting breast cancer. There are certain factors that increase the risk of breast cancer. Some of them have been listed below:

·         The risk increases with age; most cases of breast cancer develop after the age of 50 

·         Genetic alterations in certain genes such as BRCA1 and BRCA2 

·         Family history of breast cancer 

Being overweight 

ü  Early menarche (onset of menstruation before the age of 12) 

ü  Late menopause (after the age of 55) 

ü  Never had children 

ü  Late childbearing 

ü  No breast feeding 

Excessive consumption of alcohol 

ü  Use of hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) for a long period of time

ü  However, most women who have breast cancer have none of the above risk factors. Likewise, not having any of these risk factors does not mean that you will not get breast cancer.
Early Detection and Screening

More treatment options are available when breast cancer is diagnosed at an early stage and hence the chances of recovery is also higher. So regular breast screening is important for early detection even if there are no symptoms. Following are the ways of screening:

Breast Self-Examination (BSE): Perform BSE once a month about a week after your menses are over. If you no longer menstruate, choose a date each month which is easy to remember e.g. your date of birth or anniversary.

Clinical Breast Examination: Get a breast specialist to examine your breast once a year if you are 40 years and above.

Mammogram: Go for a screening mammogram once a year if you are 40 to 49 years old and once every two years if you are 50 years and above even if you do not have any symptom. It is not recommended for younger women (less than 40 years of age) as they have dense breasts, making it difficult for small changes to be detected on a mammogram. So ultrasonography of the breasts is advisable to them.

Types of Breast cancer you must know ---

Non-Invasive Breast cancer: These are confined to the ducts within the breasts. They are known as Ductalcarcinoma in-situ (DCIS).

Invasive Breast cancer: It occurs when cancer cells spread beyond the ducts or lobules. Cancer cells first spread to the surrounding breast tissue and subsequently to the lymph nodes in the armpit (Axillary lymph nodes). These cells can also travel to the other parts of the body such as bones, liver, lungs or brain and hence known as metastatic breast cancer.

Making A Diagnosis 

If you notice any unusual changes in your breasts, you should see a doctor immediately. He will examine you clinically and may ask you to undergo some tests so that a definitive diagnosis can be made. Further, the staging work up is done to find out the stage of the disease and management accordingly.

Treatment options 
Treatment of breast cancer may include various methods such as surgery with or without breast reconstruction, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy and targeted therapy. Treatment options offered, depend upon the number of factors such as the stage of cancer and likelihood of cure, your general health and your preference. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult an oncologist.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Grover Medical’s Lifestyle Clinic, in collaboration with Artemis Hospitals Gurgaon

GOOD news for Nigerians prone to common health issues and disorders related to lifestyle such as diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, stroke , cancer etc., as the 1st lifestyle clinic in the country – Grover Medical’s Lifestyle Clinic, in collaboration with Artemis Hospitals Gurgaon, India – made its debut in Lagos recently.

Speaking during the inauguration ceremony, the Medical Director, Dr Mrs Arvinder Grover, said the Clinic has been established as a special purposed vehicle to drive the campaign and necessity for preventive health through effective lifestyle modification and clinical management.

She noted that lifestyle diseases occur as a result of the way people lead their lives on a daily basis. “The diseases develop as a result of work, environmental factors, food we eat, exercise habits and stress. “More work and no play, makes a lot of us prone to a host of diseases, physical ailments, and emotional problems. “Our Vision is to become the 1st choice medical institution in Nigeria for management of lifestyle diseases while the Mission is to enhance the health and wellbeing of our clients by providing an affordable and high quality preventive as well as clinical care of lifestyle diseases.“ Grover quoted the World Health Organisation, WHO index, that Nigeria has a World Life Expectancy ranking of 171, giving it the lowest lifespan expectancy compared to France, Japan, USA and others. “Lagos is a commercial city and highly industrialized; therefore residents are subjected to undue stressful life due to hectic work style and unhealthy feeding habits, apart from ever-increasing traffic situation. “The stressful lifestyle puts most people’s health in an emergency mode and becomes a major issue due to cumulative effects it has over time. Unfortunately, it was recently observed that there are few functional specialized lifestyle clinics in the city, hence the need for the establishment of Grover Medical’s Lifestyle Clinic.” The Clinic is in Partnership with JCI Accredited Artemis Hospitals to further drive the quest to improve the standard of medical practice in Nigeria especially with the application of state-of-the-art technology in the management of lifestyle diseases. She called on all to join the lifestyle revolution to significantly prevent lifestyle diseases.